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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Scientific Method Foldable

I usually start off the year in Science with a mini lesson on the Scientific Method.  I have always used a foldable to show the steps of the Scientific Method in the past, however, I edited it this year to include the steps in the order in which we practice them in class.  I also added descriptions that better describe each step.

This editable PowerPoint includes:
~Directions on how to cut, fold, and glue the foldable.
~The 6 steps to the Scientific Method (Problem, Hypothesis, Experiment, Observation, Results, Conclusion).
~Brief explanations of each step to guide students in their thinking.
~Space for students to write their thinking for each of the steps.

You can pick up a copy by clicking here.

Do you have any graphic organizers or foldables that make teaching the Scientific Method easier?  I'd love to see your ideas!

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